• 2.14B

    Advertising audience on Facebook

  • 22%

    Grows ad revenues year-on-year

  • 3rd

    Most visited website on the internet

Why Facebook advertising?

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What is Facebook advertising & how does it work?

Facebook Advertising is exactly what it sounds like, advertising on Facebook! It gives brands the opportunity to connect with a Facebook user via their newsfeeds, stories, search, messenger, in-articles, apps, and in-stream videos. While there are billions of users on Facebook, paid ads allow you to target your audience based on their demographics, interests as well as types of content and other brands they’ve engaged with on the platform. Not only are you able to target your audience, but there are several different ad formats you can choose from to help convey your message and drive action.

Facebook is the third-most visited website on the internet, which gives you unlimited potential to maximize your ad reach and Return On Ad Spend (ROAS). As ad revenues on Facebook grow 22% year-over-year, there are many opportunities to capitalize on this trend and boost your company’s revenue. With expert planning through building your target audiences and ad creatives, we can help you conquer Facebook Ads Manager.


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Why are Facebook ads important?

  • Facebook has an advertising audience of 2.14 billion
  • 74% of Facebook users check it daily and most people access it around eight times a day
  • Average Conversion Rate (CR) on Facebook is 9.21%
  • Spending $5 a day can reach up to 787 new users, 9 likes, and 1 landing page click
  • The average cost per click on a Facebook ad was as low as $.98
  • Facebook is the third-most visited website on the internet, only outranked by Google and YouTube
  • 75% of high-income earners use Facebook
  • An average Facebook user clicks on 12 ads per month

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