• 13%

    Of the world’s population is on LinkedIn

  • 33%

    Increase in purchase intent by exposing people to LinkedIn ads

  • 52%

    Of buyers list LinkedIn as the most influential channel while researching

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What is LinkedIn advertising & how does it work?

LinkedIn advertising, as the name suggests, are paid advertisements shared on LinkedIn. Like other ad platforms, LinkedIn ads work on a bidding system that allows you to show your ads to the audience of your choice. LinkedIn ads offer more than 200 targeting characteristics, so can target specific audiences and squeeze every last drop out of your ad spend.

With over 722 million active members on LinkedIn, there is endless potential to maximize your ad reach and your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS). But, how do you maximize the reach of your ad? By using ad optimization tactics paired with LinkedIn’s complex algorithm.


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Why are LinkedIn ads important for your business?

  • An ad on LinkedIn can reach 13% of the world’s population
  • 40 million LinkedIn users are in decision-making positions
  • Ad exposure on LinkedIn increases purchase intent by 33%
  • LinkedIn ads offer more than 200 targeting characteristics
  • Every week there are 9 billion content impressions on the LinkedIn feed
  • LinkedIn is the #1 channel B2B marketers use to share content at 94%
  • LinkedIn makes up more than 50% of all social traffic to B2B websites and blogs
  • 52% of buyers list LinkedIn as the most influential channel during the research phase

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