Often the words used in marketing can be deceptive. They either look like a real word or ARE in fact a real word, but their meaning in the marketing world can differ greatly to their use in the real world.
Luckily we're here to break some of them down.
Adwords: Developed by Google, this is an online advertising service where you place paid ads on Google’s search engine by bidding on keywords (see below for keywords).
Algorithm: Algorithms are mathematical rules that search engines use to discover pages on the web and rank them in the most relevant way for searchers.
Alt text: Alt (or alternative) text gives search engines information about images on your website. As search engines can’t “see” images, alt text allows your images to be found, adding more traffic to your site.
Backlinks: These are links from other websites to your site.
Blog: A blog is an online article or a site where articles are published on a regular basis around a certain industry or theme.
Clicks: The number of times someone navigates to your content by “clicking” on the link.
Content: Content is any piece of information – images, video, copy – that is relevant to your product or service.
Google Analytics: Software developed by Google that allows you to monitor and track all sorts of statistics about your website and its users.
Keywords: Keywords are the words and phrases someone types into a search engine to find something online.
Meta description: This is a short description of your site (about 300 characters) that isn’t visible on your actual site but is instead located in the code.
Organic traffic: Visits to your website that come from unpaid search results. The main goal of SEO is to drive as much free traffic to a website as possible.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC): This is a form of internet marketing where advertisers pay a fee each time someone clicks on one of their ads.
Meta Tags: Meta tags are areas in HTML code that contain information about a website. The information cannot be seen on the website itself. Search engines access certain meta tags so they can, for instance, display a page title and description in the search results.
Ranking: When we refer to ranking, we’re talking about a website’s position on a search engine’s results. Ideally, you want to have your site rank in the first few positions.
Search Engine: Google, Bing and Yahoo are all search engines.
Search Intent: This is the reason or purpose someone has when entering a query into a search engine.