• 30%

    higher conversion rate on Google Shopping than text ads

  • 85.3%

    of all clicks from search results go to Google Shopping ads

  • $0.66

    average cost per click for Google Shopping ads

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What is Google Shopping & how does it work?

Google Shopping is Google's Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising service that allows people to search for, compare and browse physical products from a range of online retailers who have paid to advertise their products. Also referred to as a Comparison Shopping Engine (CSE), Google Shopping allows online shoppers to browse through the thumbnail images that show each product’s retailer and price. You can also include information like reviews and special discounts.

According to Google, Google Shopping “makes the world your storefront” and it does this by putting retailer’s products in front of online shoppers at a relevant moment in time to help them make a purchase. Google prioritizes which products will appear at the top of the search results by using its algorithm based on a number of factors, like keyword relevance, bid amount, product titles and more.


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Why is Google Shopping important for your business?

  • The average conversion rate for Google Shopping ads is 1.91%
  • Average cost per click for Google Shopping ad is $0.66
  • Google Shopping Ads now make up 76.4% of retail search ad spend
  • In the US, Google Shopping ads attract 85.3% of all clicks from search results
  • 23.6% of ad spend on Google Shopping generated 14.7% of clicks on text ads
  • Google Shopping has a 30% higher conversion rate than text ads

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